Subject: ((You're fine.))
Posted on: 2015-03-05 20:16:00 UTC

The slightly horrified silence from the rest of the table was palpable.

"...Good to know," said Ami, looking slightly pale. "Let's see what you guys chose." She turned over Miguel's card. "'Space Invaders'? That just sounds weird."

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it," Violet cut in. "I saw the machine for it over in the arcade area. Once we've eaten, I'll show you how to play, alright?"

Chris laughed quietly. "Good luck. I can't even teach her how to use the DVD player, never mind play Space Invaders."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here, Chris," Ami interjected. She turned over Cupid's card. "'An eight-minute mile'..." Miguel's card. "'Red velvet cake'..." Chris' card. "'Macrame handbags.' And the Awesome Point goes to...Cupid!"

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