Subject: "Maybe not," said Sarah, "but your partner might..."
Posted on: 2015-03-26 03:34:00 UTC

"Well, by proxy, anyway. I have a Skarmory for a brother, and he once said he knew yours. Rina Dives, I think? Must've told her about me, that good ol' tin turkey."
The Super chuckled, sitting a little straighter in her seat. "I'm Sarah Squall, by the way. DIC. And these glittery idiots - I mean that in the affectionate sense, by the way - are my partners, Cupid Carmine and Lapis Lazuli."
The angel reached out to pat Zeb's mane, but Lapis grabbed his wrist with a frantic expression.
"Cupid, don't!" the blue-haired girl whispered. "That's a Luxray, an Electric-type Pokemon! One touch and you'll be fried by ten thousand volts of paralyzing current!"
"Okay, okay!" Cupid said hastily, withdrawing his hand.
"Anyway, yeah," Lapis chuckled nervously, turning to Zeb. "We heard about what happened to you and Rina from Alex over at DoSAT. We're so sorry to hear of what happened to you two."
"I wish I could've helped," Sarah added, "but sadly, I'm a lot better at untangling than Sue-slaying."

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