Subject: "Ooo, Jurassic Park!" Miguel grinned broadly.
Posted on: 2015-02-21 20:00:00 UTC

"I loved that movie as a kid! I'm Miguel, by the way, nice to meet you. My horned friend over here is Ami--" she waved at Cupid and Ripper "--and the guy in the red hat is Chris. Cupid, we'll deal you in after this round." He passed Ami two white cards.

"Jurassic Park...?" Vi said thoughtfully. "Isn't that the one where they resurrect dinosaurs from, like, ancient mosquito blood and then everything goes kablooey?"

Miguel nodded. "I have to wonder, though; since dinosaurs are-slash-were so dangerous, why don't newly-resurrected fossil Pokemon go all 'Dinosaur SMASH' on their trainers?"

"They're only level five when resurrected, if I remember right," Chris pointed out, passing two random white cards to Ami. "Also, two of the successes are unevolved. That only leaves Aerodactyl as a potential threat. And while I won't deny that Aerodactyl are scary, let me repeat: Level five."

Violet frowned at her hand, picked two at random, and handed them to Ami. "...I have no idea what you're talking about, but okay. I'll roll with it."

"Let's see what we've chosen," said Ami. She turned over Chris' cards. "'A literal Dragon' and 'Pink elephants'. Oh, good grief." Violet's cards. "'Michael Keaton' and 'Insect-like aliens'? That sounds hilarious!" Miguel's cards. "And 'Kazoo serenades' and 'All the people.' Miguel, the Awesome Point goes to you."

Miguel smiled. "Thanks, but...we'll need to start the game over now that Cupid's in. It wouldn't be fair to him otherwise, you see. Ami, would you...?"

Ami's horn gained a blue aura. "No problem, buddy." She levitated every single white and black card back to their respective decks before shuffling them.

Chris moved his chair to the left. "Pull up a chair and sit with us, Cupid. You've eaten, right?"

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