Subject: "Floor ice cream gives you health! *hic*"
Posted on: 2015-02-23 21:50:00 UTC

...Cupid cheered, earning odd looks from the others. He picked up his drinks and headed over to the seat they'd opened up for him.
"...Are you sure you're in the proper state to play?" Ripper asked dubiously. "I don't think you can handle Bleeport as well as you think you do."
"Oh, come on! It's a synthetic alcohol substitute! What can possibly go wrong?"
He sat down and put his Bleeport and goblet in front of him. "Wanna join us, dino boy?"
"No thanks," the raptor replied, his clawed wings seeming to shrug. "I'd rather observe how this plays out. Though given that you've chosen unwisely with the Bleeport, I have a feeling it will be... fascinating..."
Ripper turned to the others. "And as for the matter of fossil Pokemon, I'm afraid that the continuum in question was not among the long list of worlds included in my homefic. And since I joined the PPC, I have been familiar primarily with the anime and not the games. I did spend some time as an Archeops on my first mission, however, which was an interesting experience. It's a shame that Randa had to leave Rina's pack after we finished the job, though."

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