Subject: "Go on."
Posted on: 2015-02-19 21:50:00 UTC

Owen continued to stare unblinkingly at Zeb. "But what? Meowth got your tongue?"

Benoît rapped his spoon against his bowl. "Oi, Owen. Can't you see you're freaking him out? Change your behaviour or put a lid on it."

The Lucario looked at his trainer and nodded. "Sir." He fell silent and took another puff from his plate, slowly breaking it apart with his paws.

Victoria slid in between Zeb and Owen, breaking the latter's line-of-sight. "That's quite enough of that. Now then, you said you were Zeb? As Maxwell mentioned, I'm Victoria. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said as she curtsied.

From below the table, Buck the Skiddo shuffled towards Zeb. He looked up at the Luxray and smiled. "Don't mind Owen. He's just testing your mettle. Just stand up to him and speak your mind."

The corner of Owen's lips became slightly tighter, as if he were holding back a smile.

Maxwell gave Zeb a little one-two punch with his paws. "So, yeah! If you need anything, just ask us! We 'mons gotta stick together, amirite?"

= = = =

((Because I can't resist...

Owen: Serious nature. Proud of its power.

Victoria: Timid nature. Good endurance.

Buck: Relaxed nature. Takes plenty of siestas.

Maxwell: Rash nature. Impetuous and silly.

Benoît: Beleaguered nature. Tired of having to discipline everyone.))

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