Subject: "Sounds painful," Falchion replied.
Posted on: 2015-02-24 23:11:00 UTC

"I mean, getting caught in a trap and being forced to watch all of that. At least there aren't gonna be any more cloned Shaymins, right?... right?..."
Deciding he had nothing better to do, he flagged down the waiter who had taken the pizza order for Chris and Ami's table and requested some Unfezant Parmesan and a bowl of Mago Berries.
"Funny you should ask," he said to Benoît once the waiter had left. "I think I just heard my new angel friend bring up my very first mission. Yeah, like he said, eleven different continua at once isn't my idea of a good time. But that's not all..."
He looked around to make sure nobody was hearing, and then leaned his armored head in a little closer. "My author was the one who wrote that guano-fest, though in his defense, it was a couple of years ago, and it took a lot of people calling him out on all the Tauros-dung he was producing over the years to get him to stop and think about what he was doing."
He sighed and preened his bladed wing. "Too bad that didn't happen in time to save the badfic. The ending especially was just horrible - I mean, I had no idea it would end up becoming so gruesome. I'll never forget the sight of that one villainous character replacement getting torn to bits by the baby T. rexes from the third Ice Age movie."

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