Subject: "You worry too much about others, Rookie."
Posted on: 2015-02-22 02:47:00 UTC

"Besides, I think minimal training is the perfect way to prepare agents for the job." The Lucario smiled, exposing a row of sharp teeth. "You either die ignominiously in the field or you prove your superiority over your quarry by ending its life. If you come back alive from your first missions then you're worth something, no? Trainers will then help you expand on that."

Buck laughed. "He's being dramatic about it, Zeb. Trainers are available to anyone-- total newbies included. It's just that Upstairs doesn't tell them right away because there's a backlog of badfic to be killed. Besides, you can learn practically everything there is to know by sticking close to your partner. Er, ideally that partner should be more experienced than you... If you're both total newbies... Uh... Yeah."

Maxwell cocked his head and looked at the Luxray. "Yo, Zeb. I'm noticing that your eyes keep wandering to me. Do I have something on my nose or something?"

- - -

((I like writing Owen. He's the perfect blend of aggressive and unhinged.))

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