Subject: Congratulations!
Posted on: 2021-09-18 18:47:35 UTC

Yes, you have been confusing. You seem to think this is some sort of "game" or "trap" or that you're proving yourself better than us. That you've somehow weighed and measured us. No matter how many times you laugh at us for not understanding your utter gibberish, it doesn't make your work a maze, nor clever. You haven't built a maze, you've done the equivalent of cramming every room of a house full of broken furniture. Yes, it would be possible to thread our way through it! But it would be pointless. And boring. And did you just spell Don Quixote as donkey hotey??? Are you aware, in fact, that the characters are called the Mad Hatter and March Hare, not Mad Hare???

You remind me of every cut-price, lolrandom, Fishmalk I have ever heard of.

P.S. If you're wondering about the standards of politeness, we are a community of critics. Refusing to abide by a completely normal request, such as comprehensibility and not being condescending is considered not cool. Calling your insults and gibberish what they are is, to my understanding at least, perfectly acceptable.

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