Subject: Male!Ave it is, then.
Posted on: 2021-09-29 14:17:31 UTC

Hilariously, with the sheer number of people in the later films, I only had to change about four pronouns in the later descriptions. Even more hilariously, both Continuity Council and Blackout bring back Second Aviator's actress (as flashbacks and an evil alternate version); I guess she signed a long-term contract!

Even more hilariously, we're still Disneying it up: because of the way the films are plotted, most of the Ave/Dee relationship is in one of the TV shows (in which, since they're less expensive than Second Ave's actress, both men can appear semi-regularly). Gotta keep that gayness away from the lucrative movies!

(Phase 3 is quite problematic on that score, actually; luckily I think Phase 4 can make up for it.)


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