Subject: I'm afraid it can't work.
Posted on: 2022-05-15 10:25:09 UTC

From what I read down (or lurked while pondering my return), we don't have many PGs active, to the point the latest Permission Requests took a while to get answered. And a Request is a more direct propt to action for a PG rather that them realizing on their own "hey, this guy/gal should be given/should try for Permission".

Let's face it, PGs are usually our older members, and as a result tend to be busy with Real Life things like work and families (by no fault of their own, of course!). Aside from the fact this system woudl likely entail the PGs to confront with each other about the prospective candidates, the sheer fact peopel have to stand out to be noticed doesn't really sit well with me.

There's really active people who whould have no issue, f course, but the more quiet ones would risk waiting several months if not years with the new systems. We encourage activity, of course, because we're a community first. But that the same time we shouldn't encourage always-in-your-face activity because otherwise you can't get the Shiny Thing.

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