Subject: Honestly, I'm struggling to keep up with the Board as well.
Posted on: 2022-05-16 15:11:24 UTC

This community is important to me, and that's why I make such an effort to review every story that gets posted*, including hS's +20 project, but I'm literally squeezing in my R+R during breakfasts and dinners. Most of my work days right now are sleeping from roughly 9pm to 4:30am, and being out of the house from 6am to around 7pm. A lot of my weekend gets wasted on recovering sleep, and of course, laundry and packing lunches. (I do usually have two mornings a week when I can stay a couple hours longer in my condo in the morning, but that's dependent on none of my coworkers taking days off or getting sick.) It's already pretty rough, so adding more to my plate doesn't sound wise for me, and that's putting my own personal misgivings about not having a discerning critical eye aside.

(Not to sob-story on the Board, but the current zoo situation, for anyone who cares: The extremely austere and resource-hoarding founder of the zoo passed away early this year. His daughter has taken over, but her financial decision-making is hindered by a probate agreement made between the founder and our bank, such that the bank can veto increases to our budget if they feel it will threaten getting paid back the money the founder owed them when he died. She's actually managed to make decent progress on that goal, and has secured some major benefits for us so far, including increasing our internal minimum wage by almost $3.00 an hour, and starting to give us vacation pay. Unfortunately, having more money can't buy me more free time, and the increased staff we need has only begun to trickle in so far, with Hoofstock department getting an additional keeper, and Birds & Primates, by far the largest department by exhibit numbers, finally getting a long overdue restructure into a Birds department and a Primates department. None of that helps me directly, though I'm hoping the relatively swift increases to pay and benefits are first steps towards wanting to attract other keepers here, so we can fill out the buildings departments where I work. We're currently projecting to finish paying back the bank and end the probate in 2024.)

—doctorlit, oversharing?

*As long as they don't spoil something I haven't read yet!

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