Subject: A couple of things...
Posted on: 2022-05-16 16:23:06 UTC

It looks really good; however, I have a couple of things to note:

  • "look for something that will make a good mission, and a good ''first'' mission (not always the same thing!)." Perhaps we should find a way to define this somewhat. Maybe make a seperate page: "What Makes a Good Mission?" and include a subheader with "What Makes a Good First Mission?" Or maybe add to the FAQ for Permission. I feel like this could be confusing.

  • For "we encourage betas:" "We encourage someone from the PPC community to look over your writing sample or someone not you in general to catch errors in your writing sample." Or something to that effect.

  • "PGs are long-time members of the community who are well-versed on the PPC canon and known for their writing skill, inside the community and out, so make the most of the feedback you get! It comes from the heart." (Bolded are my additions) Perhaps this works?

  • "Once you've got Permission, you can go and write for whatever parts of the PPC you like, whether that be interludes, missions, AUs, or anything else not listed!" (bolded are my additions). Would this work?

  • Also, if we're goimg to say "write whatever parts you want," shouldn't we amend a bit about the "first badfic your agents will take on?" Maybe "first badfic your agents plan to take on" or something to that effect?

I hope these suggestions are helpful?


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