Subject: It's not Nanny Ogg, is it?
Posted on: 2022-05-15 20:51:29 UTC

She bites through the brim in Lords and Ladies, it's a whole thing.

I don’t think giving, or getting, permission to write PPC stories should be as arduous as it currently is. I want it to be easier, from both sides. But we've never found a way to do that that doesn't just cause more problems.

Radical suggestion of the day: scrap it. Expand the PG quorum massively (to, like, 10-15 active people) , but redesignate the role as after-the-fact: if someone writes something that doesn't fit, a PG has authority to exclude that thing from the canon until fixed, and the responsibility to guide the writer to understanding what went wrong. That way we all keep learning.


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