Subject: What we have so far (I think?)
Posted on: 2022-05-18 20:12:40 UTC

A lot of this comes from Nesh's posts, with a few tweaks.

Unlike some other collaborative universes you might have encountered, an author requires '''Permission''' to write [[PPC stories]]. This is so we can ensure that new stories are written well and in the spirit of the PPC.

The Permission process was started by Jay and Acacia, who asked people to email them before writing a spinoff; when Jay left, she passed the responsibility on to Miss Cam, GreyLadyBast, and Thalia Weaver, and the [[Permission Giver]]s faithfully carry the torch to this day.

== When can I get Permission? ==

There's no defined timeline for asking for Permission. You should wait until you understand how the PPC as a shared universe works, and until the community knows who you are. Some good markers to look for are:

  • If asked, you could say who your favourite non-TOS agent is, and give a solid reason why.
  • You've taken part in a range of different community activities on the Board or Chat, including discussions that aren't about your own plans for writing agents.
  • You can get through the [Permission Self-Check] without too much trouble.
  • You feel you have a friend or two in the community.
  • **You feel like you understand the gist of the PPC (not necessarily it in entireity)

== How do I get Permission? ==

The Permission process isn't meant to be particularly difficult: all we really want is to check that you can write decently, that you're going to stick around, and that you understand what the PPC is all about. When you're ready (see above), start a thread on the Board and give us the following:

  • Brief bios of your intended agents (200-400 words, give or take). These should be the agent team you're looking to use in your main series. See [[#Guidance: Profiles]] below for more on what we're after, but basically this is so we can check they're not blatant, canon-breaking Suvians or grimdark evil.
  • The first badfic your agents will take on or a couple of paragraphs on what you plan to do, if you're not going to spork badfic. Don't just pick the story you hate most in the world - look for something that will make a good mission, and a good ''first'' mission (not always the same thing!). Include a paragraph or two about why you picked it. If you need help finding what badfic makes a good mission, see the [[Mission Writing Guide]]!
  • A sample of your writing - at least 600 words - which you feel represents how you'd write for the PPC. It can be something you've already written, or new for the occasion. It doesn't need to be PPC-related, but can be: some people have used interludes, cowrites, RPs, or the intro to their planned first mission. Make it as long as you want, but be aware that Permission Givers are busy folks - they might not read past the first couple of pages. To make sure your sample is as good as possible, using a [[beta-reader]] is highly recommended. You can ask for one on the Board or in the Chat. Be sure to give credit to anyone who betas for you!

A Permission Giver should be along fairly soon to check it out. They'll look at your agents, your writing (both SPaG/technical skill and how "PPC-ish" it feels), how well you fit into the community, and generally just whether you're prepared to contribute to the shared PPC universe we all love. Whether they grant Permission or tell you to do a bit more reading and writing practice first, they'll probably give you some [[concrit]] along with their decision. PGs are long-time members of the community who are widely trusted for their writing skill and understanding of the PPC universe, so make the most of the feedback you get! It comes from the heart.

And that's it! You only need to get Permission once. When you have it, you can write for whatever parts of the PPC you like.

== Guidance: Profiles ==

{Basically the current Profiles FAQ.}

{Different page}

Recommended Reading

On-site Reading:

  • FAQ: For Newbies
  • Guide to the PPC
  • Mission Writing Guide
  • Slash-Sporking Guide

Off-site Reading:

  • [The Original Series.] This is, in fact, mandatory. It's the foundation of our canon!
  • An [[OFU]] or two, such as the [[Official Fanfiction University of Middle-earth]] (the original OFU!) or the [[Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy]].
  • Several different spin-offs in the department(s) you want to write about. The [[Complete List of PPC Fiction]], the [[Killed Badfic]] lists, and the various [[Continuum]] pages are good places to look for some that tickle your fancy.
  • Some stories about [[events]] in PPC history.

Obviously, a lot of this is rough. Bold are my additions, btw.

How does it look so far, Community?

-kA, hopefully being helpful.