Subject: Dear British right-wing: you were wrong.
Posted on: 2015-09-14 10:52:00 UTC

Okay, you're probably expecting me to say that about everything you do by now, but this is more specific:

You were wrong to say that Labour didn't really want to elect Jeremy Corbyn as its leader. You were wrong - and yes, I'm including the Labour right-wing here - to say that they should vote for 'Anyone But Corbyn'. You were wrong, and a landslide victory for Corbyn proves it.

I can understand why you were wrong, why you felt that right-wing thinking is the default for Britain's electorate. We've had a rough few decades on the Left - twenty years of a Conservative Thatcher/Major government, followed by Blair gaining power for Labour by moving dramatically to the right; then in 2010 the 'other Left party', the Lib Dems, went into coalition with the Right, and in 2015, the traditionally left-wing Scotland voted Nationalist instead, and a massive proportion of English voters went for Racist Far-Right.

But you were wrong. 60% of the Labour party just told you you're wrong: they elected the leftmost candidate they could to head up Her Majesty's Opposition. When you look across the floor of the House of Commons - or when you look down from the Labour back benches - it's a proper left-wing Opposition leader you'll be looking at.

I have no idea whether Jeremy Corbyn can win the election for Labour in 2020; it's a long five years we've got ahead of us, with UKIP still looming over us, and the SNP unlikely to let go of Scotland. But I do know this: for the first time since I started paying attention to politics, over a decade ago, one of the two major parties has a leader I want to see as PM.


PS: Also, it's absolutely hilarious that one of Labour's biggest mavericks and leadership-defiers is now in charge. I can't wait to see what happens next. ^_^

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