Subject: W-ell...
Posted on: 2015-09-17 19:48:00 UTC

(Responding now that I'm a) calm and b) not dead tired.)

-From this quote I gather that he thinks a peace process must happen. While I don't disagree in principle, now is simply not the time.
I also object to the inclusion of Hizballah, which has no place in any sort of peace talks, whether with the Palestinians (it's a Lebanese organisation) or the Lebanese (it's not the government; also, terrorist organisation).
Also, as I've already said — HAMAS needs to change before it can be a part of any sort of peace process.

-I can't find any trace of Hizballah representatives visiting the British parliament, so it might be that his 'invitation' was shot down.
-That said, making a distinction between Hizballah's "political wing" and "military wing" is nonsensical. The "political wing" must know and approve (at least by silence, though I doubt that's the case) about the "military wing's" ideology and methods; ergo, they're cut from the same stock and are just as bad. Dealing with them is no different than dealing with Mustafa Badr Aldin.

-If Corbyn's the best option for PM Britain has, the United Kingdom is in a sorry state indeed; I'd even hazard a leap of faith and say it's in a worse state than Israel (and we had three consecutive Bibi governments).

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