Subject: I personally hope we do get a Republican
Posted on: 2015-09-15 01:16:00 UTC

Not trying to be controversial here, so I'll try and tread lightly.

Let me start off by saying I am a Republican. Specifically, I am a Conservative Republican, because apparently, we are splitting ourselves into petty factions now. (Why can't it be simple, like it used to be?) Now, with that in mind, try and see things from my perspective.

That being said, it does objectively look like a Republican will win this one. Most of them have articulated their positions very well, as compared to the Democrats, who are trying to differentiate themselves from Obama for one reason or another. The biggest exception is Bernie Sanders, and that's why people are drawn to him at all. At least he's honest about what he believes, people are saying. Clinton just comes off as sort of, well, fake. And to top it all off, there's this email thing going on. A lot of people seem to think that she's hiding something. That's significant, obviously.

I take issue with the way you characterized people like me, though. Yes, there are people who think Obama is a Communist, myself NOT being one of them. There is some evidence for this theory. For example, his father was an avowed member of the Communist Party of Kenya. Some of his associates growing up were Marxists. Is he a Communist? Who really knows? He's definitely pretty far Left, though. That has never been in question. As for the scumbag thing, we can fling insults at each other all day. It doesn't solve anything. The only ones who throw them around are Internet trolls and angry people in rural America.

I don't want an apology for that. Just trying to set the record straight.

Now, as for Trump... Hooo, boy! He's a character. He's not presidential material, but he's entertaining. The only reason he does as well as he does is because people are upset by the status quo. And even then, Ben Carson is now tied with Trump in some of the polls. He's losing his steam. He'll drop out eventually. The only question is when, and how much entertainment can we get out of him before he goes?

But who knows? A Republican government might be what we need. I'll admit, the Kennedy administration and the Truman administration were good examples of Democrat administrations that even we Republicans secretly admire. We'll just have to wait and see what we get, I guess. (And vote, of course.)

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