Subject: Hey, that's something we can agree on!
Posted on: 2015-09-15 22:35:00 UTC

American politicians are... coprolite at trying to solve other people's conflicts, with a handful of exceptions. We rarely have the cultural context to understand the tensions involved.

I'd like to think the religious part is eventually possible to reason with. At my university we both have a Jewish group and an Islamic group, and neither have tried to kill each other that anyone's noticed. As far as I can tell, most people just want to live their lives, and religious people want to practice their religion in peace. But when there's decades of pain and anger, and a lot of people angling for more power and money . . . that tends to be hard for anyone, on any side of the border, to achieve. Which is terrifying and sad, since again, I have people I care about on both sides of the gunfire.

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