Subject: I'm curious:
Posted on: 2015-09-18 09:12:00 UTC

You say 'now is simply not the time' for a peace process; from the perspective of someone who's actually there, what do you feel should be happening now, and what should it be leading to?

Miscellaneous responses:

-The IRA was a terrorist organisation. Your alternatives are still 'talk to them', 'disarm them', 'ship them out', or 'kill them all', whether they're terrorists or not. We talked to the IRA, and managed to get something approximating peace in Northern Ireland. That said, I'm not aware of any other times that's worked, so you probably have a point. ^^

-The alternatives to Corbyn are:
--The current Conservative PM, who is in the middle of gleefully selling off chunks of the National Health Service (because businesses with their eye on the profit margins are clearly the best people to be caring for the sick), shutting down libraries (because all the people worth thinking about can afford to buy books), making universities much more expensive (so that all those poor people don't get ideas above their station), and so on and so forth.
--Our third party is currently the SNP, a national party whose platform is entirely focussed on Scotland, whose leader is not in the House of Commons, and who, by virtue of only standing in Scotland, are literally incapable of getting a majority.
--Our fourth party are the ones who completely betrayed their voter base and formed a coalition with the Conservatives last time round, revealing that they have exactly no principles.
-Then we have a couple of Irish and Welsh parties.
-Then we have the got-the-third-most-votes-but-only-one-seat nationalist/racist UKIP, whose platform is 'get out of Europe and get rid of brown people'.
-Then we have the Green party, who are perfectly lovely, but only have one seat.

So yeah. Up until the 12th, we didn't have a functioning Left Wing in Britain. We had a 'slightly less right wing'. I've no idea if that's worse than what's going on in Israel, but it's been pretty awful.


(PS: Again purely for information, the division of Hezbollah into 'one terrorist group, one political wing' was <a href="
asaterroristorganizationorresistancemovement">put in place in 2008 by the Labour government, and maintained under the Conservatives of the last five years. It's also in accordance with the official opinion of the EU. I have no idea how Mr. Corbyn views the matter.)

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