Subject: So in one AU, I'm a drunken bum...
Posted on: 2015-09-17 00:13:00 UTC

...who swears he's going to head out soon guys, really. Just need to sharpen the old sword, and off I go.

And in the other, I'm barely toeing the line between being a fairly good person, on the whole, and supporting an anarcistic revolution. I mean, I won't start it or anything, but you know, should one show up...

And in the third, I am throwing dragons at eleven year olds, praying I can brute-force around the fact I have no idea what I'm doing, and handing shiny badges and disks to those who realize I'm super incompetent and only stumbled my way into running a gym. (Though, to be fair, the dragons are very loyal. Magic of Friendship and all that.)

...I don't know what this says about me, really.

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