Subject: Ah!
Posted on: 2015-09-15 13:23:00 UTC

Oh, you've read Homer and Machiavelli? Awesome! They're good reads.

That's only assuming that the Jews took over Israel with military force. That didn't happen. The international community gave them Israel. And nobody made the Arabs leave Israel. There are still lots of Arabs there, and in order to try and get along, the Jews gave them some pretty sweet minority rights. It's a good deal for them, and yet they aren't satisfied. They just want the Jews gone. They don't want their land back. Well, some of them do, but the Palestinians are frequently turning to Jihad, and that's not cool.

Also, that's only if you believe that man evolved from whatever it is people say we evolved from. Not everyone believes that. Not saying whether or not I believe it, just saying that not everyone buys into the idea. I think it's seen as an insult, to be honest.

Why? The Canaanites were jerks. Are there even Canaanites still around? I probably should have looked that up beforehand, come to think of it, but I can be real here, right?

I agree. I completely agree. And as I have said just now, the Arabs get a pretty sweet deal with their minority rights. The Israelis just want to get along. Nothing wrong with that.

As for your post script, I'm a little lost. But if we agree, and we can get along and move on, then I'm cool with it. I'll drop this point, because it doesn't matter.

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