Subject: As is usual in the Middle East...
Posted on: 2015-09-14 17:03:00 UTC

It's complicated.
1) It should be noted that a peace process isn't an end in and of itself, unlike what some people think. It's a means to and end (peace, obviously), and not the sole means.
2) There have been some border incidents involving Hizballah recently. However, peace with Hizballah is downright pointless since they're basically the Ayatollah regime's stooges. Peace with the Lebanese government is desirable once they actually start functioning.
3) The difference between the IRA and our garden variety terrorists (Hamas, Hizballah, PIJ, etc etc) is best summed up by this anecdote: the commissioner of the Met was interviewed after 7/7; he expressed surprise the terrorists did not phone ahead of time to warn of the bombs. That's a very telling difference between organisations like the IRA (and our own homegrown variety back from before 1948 for that matter) and Islamic Jihadists. Therefore, the things that apply to the IRA don't necessarily apply to our situation here.
4) Just noting that the 'we were here first' argument is blarney; Tacitus mentions Jews in Palestine long before Arabs were even a thing, and he's not exactly philosemitic.

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