Subject: With respect...
Posted on: 2015-09-15 00:56:00 UTC

I'm sorry to say this, but I have to disagree with you on Israel. There is significant archeological evidence to suggest that the Jews lived in Israel in ancient times. In fact, the historian Josephus, who lived at the time of the Roman Empire, actually outlines the events that led to the Jews getting kicked out of Israel, I believe it was the Bar Kochba revolt. It was at this point that the Jews, for the most part were kicked out of Israel, which later became Palestine, I believe as a result of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

What I'm saying is that it's way more complicated than that. Just wanted to bring it to your attention. It's really a fascinating story, the story of the Jews. Here's a link to just a small bit of what I'm talking about. Granted, it looks at things from a Biblical perspective, sort of, but it's much more scientific in its approach and it's documenting the history of Judaism and the Jewish people.

Also, to go off on a rabbit trail, I have found during my College research recently that Hezbollah (or Hizbollah, however it's spelled) as well as Hamas are both receiving guns and money from Iran. So, I think that there are a lot of factors behind the problems with Hamas and Hezbollah, but things are not as simple as a plain old peace talk. It's infuriating, really.

Oh well. What can ya do, but keep doing the same old thing. The world is an insane place.

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