Subject: News for you. I'm conservative.
Posted on: 2015-09-14 12:58:00 UTC

His post was directly in response to a given item on which yes, they were wrong.

At no ppint did he actually attack anyone, which you did. Rule 3 of the Constitution is there for a reason.

Anger issues is no excuse for anything.

Once upon a time way back in 2008 we were discussing the American presidential election.

I mentioned I voted for McCain. I was attacked, and quite viciously so.

hS expressing this political opinion of his does not warrant that same reaction, even though I do not agree with everything the British Labour party stands for.

Instead, I'm very glad he feels like he can share his opinion here on the board, and I intend to protect his ability to do so, and yours as well if you choose to exercise it respectfully.

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