Subject: How old do you think I am?
Posted on: 2015-09-14 17:18:00 UTC

I was talking about the eighties, long after the creation of the NHS. If the Labour Party had remained as organised and practical as that, I might have stayed on the Left.

I'm talking about people like "Red Ted", the (at the time) infamous Labour leader of Lambeth Council who refused to set a council budget as a gesture of defiance against the Tories. The council services ended up in a mess, as the council headed to bankruptcy. He and his colleagues ended up being taken to court and fined as a result. And they still refused to take any responsibility for their actions, declaring themselves martyrs, converting one of the rooms in the Town Hall into a shrine to themselves, and blaming the Government for everything.

He and his colleagues were family friends, and held up by my mother as good role-models. Did they achieve anything? Nothing they intended to anyway.

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