Subject: I'll agree on that.
Posted on: 2015-09-14 16:15:00 UTC

I don't know what he actually said - all I've ever seen is brief glimpses of 'and he likes terrorists you guyz' - but I agree that those chaps simply aren't civilised what what er... what the strikethrough said. ;)

That said: yes, peace processes involve enemies, not friends, but the times they've worked - I'm thinking Northern Ireland, which sort of worked, in that the IRA isn't bombing London these days - it's been by developing respect between the parties. Which would, yes, include Hamas recognising the right of Israel to exist; the same arguments they use against it (I'm thinking the 'we were here first' argument) apply just as well in the opposite direction, now: the people in Israel today are not the people who created the country, and regardless of how those founders are regarded, the current inhabitants shouldn't have it rubbed off on them.

(Though, er, aren't you still shooting at Hizballah occasionally? So don't you need some sort of peace-making with them too, even if it's the 'make a desert' variety?)

Short version: no, terrorists are not friends. And it would be nice for them to stop shooting at people.


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