Subject: Look...
Posted on: 2015-09-15 20:53:00 UTC

I'm getting tired of these emotionally-fueled, blinded by preconception, false arguments. They make me think you're getting mad at me.

I personally trust the recent scientific finds that say homosexuality is an abnormality in the brain. But does that mean we should treat them like they're subhuman? No! I have a little brother who has autism, and his brain doesn't function correctly either. He's just as human, and maybe a little bit smarter than I am (or was, at his age).

All that to say, it's not even about love, it's about sexual attraction. They're two very different things.

What is pansexual?

Well, good for you for saying that. They're family, you're stuck with them either way. And I would still love any of my brothers if they were gay, too. But I wouldn't let them sin that way. I view it as a responsibility of mine to help them understand why it's wrong. I don't treat them any differently, and I get them to understand that God loves them, even if they're gay.

Oh boy, a story.

Doesn't sound like he was a very Christian man to me. Sounds like he was a dirt bag. But you're giving me a false choice here. You're making it seem like the ONLY options are homosexuality, or an abusive marriage. That's not the choice I would suggest at all, and you know it. I'd have to be a dirt bag for even saying that it is. She has many other options, besides that dog. (The husband, not the other lady)

You sound like you're accusing me of being a horrible person. I don't appreciate that.

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