Subject: The problem you have...
Posted on: 2015-09-14 18:19:00 UTC

Is that anyone and everyone slightly to the left of Enoch Powell was comprehensively redbaited out of mainstream American politics over the course of several decades, and it's still going on now. To put things into context, the Democrats are only now beginning to edge tentatively leftwards, though are still far, far short of being actual socialists (universal healthcare'd be a good start, which - let me be clear - Obamacare only sort of is); during the '90s, they were doing much the same stuff as the Tory party, particularly Clinton repealing the Glass-Spiegel Act as a sop to the Republicans.

To an outside observer, the Democrats and the Republicans are respectively the party of the right and the party of the considerably further right. And then you have Donald Trump and his hairstyle like a small electrocuted Muppet, who managed to be about as right-wing as it's possible to be without sounding like an Onion article. There are no mainstream alternatives. This needs to change. Sanders having a good run, well, it'll work.

So the centre-right by European standards is the Democrats' core vote, the far-right is the Republicans', and Trump... well, I was working on the assumption that his pointy ghost outfit was in the wash. What I'm worried about is that the Republicans will be dragged further and further towards The Donald, and that American politics will become even more disgustingly, uselessly partisan than it is already. Americans deserve better than that, in my view.

But then, it's not like I'm not biased.

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