Subject: RE:
Posted on: 2015-09-15 20:43:00 UTC

Okay, what religions do you know of that says that? Name one major religion that is still around today that says that. That is a false analogy, to use terminology that is far more harsh than I intended it to be.

What kind of people have you been hanging around with? I'd say that the people who do those things have serious issues that they need to deal with.

And those are bad situations. Putting your personal information into an unsecure website so that you can cheat on your spouse is a bad situation. As for being married four times, that's either a bad situation, or the person who was married four times is very unlucky, and their spouses all died. That's not likely, so it's a bad situation.

Okay, so you're basically saying that just because the people who have traditional marriages are screwed up people, that makes the entire institution of traditional marriage screwed up? That literally makes no sense. There's hypocrisy on the side of gay marriage as well, I'd like to point out. If it's all about love, then why are the homosexuals so angry with the Christians? Okay, so say that we are being unreasonable and bigoted. Let's just assume that for a second. If gay marriage is all about love, and we're being the mean ones, then why can't they all go somewhere that will accommodate them? Why is it they don't want to just be left alone? If it's all about love, then why all the hatred for us?

Thank you for not accusing me of those things, because I am literally in College, have been single my whole life, and am smart enough not to do any of those stupid things on the Internet.

So what if it's Christian-centric? Secular people (or atheists, or whatever you prefer I call you) use our ideas all the time. Without Christianity, Western civilization would have turned out completely different.

I thought that that sort of language was supposed to stay off the Board!

In what ways are traditional marriages bad for women? The man works the fields, the woman works on monopolizing the workings of the home itself. It's division of labor. That's fair.

It's bad because the mold gets broken. Think about it. In the majority of cases, divorces create some level of drama, because it wasn't naturally supposed to be that way. Same thing with certain things outside of marriage, if you know what I mean.

First of all, why would two total strangers marry each other? That doesn't make any sense. Second of all, it doesn't affect my life, but that's a false argument. The point I'm getting across is that it's wrong, no matter how it affects me. Something else that's wrong is trying to force other people to do what you want them to do, like get two homosexuals married, despite the fact that it violates that person's faith. That's wrong! That's what I'm trying to say. It doesn't matter how people getting married affects my life, because it doesn't. I personally think that if two gay people want to get married, under the laws of the United States, they can get married. I have a religious objection to that, but still. The problem arises when you try and force people to do things your way, and even worse when you try and force them to like it that they're forcing you to do it.

Does that make sense? Does that answer your question?

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