Subject: Hm.
Posted on: 2015-09-15 15:59:00 UTC

So if someone's religious beliefs tell them that, say, being black is a sin, denying a black person service suddenly becomes a-okay and no longer bigotry?

As for the "traditional marriages" part, honestly, every time I see someone espousing "traditional family values" they end up having two accounts on Ashley Madison or have been remarried 4 times. I'm not saying that either of those situations are necessarily bad (. . .though cheating on your spouse is pretty definitely not cool), it's just that there's a lot of hypocrisy that permeates that argument! (Side note: am not accusing you of those things, it's just a trend I've noticed with that argument.) The idea of "traditional marriages" tends to be very Christian-centric and often kinda shitty towards women, among other things. So my question is, why is having some people break that mold so bad?

In other words, how does two strangers getting married in any way affect you or your life?

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