Subject: An attempt at Dothraki names
Posted on: 2019-11-22 07:26:14 UTC

Jay Zirqoyithelisa ('bird-of-prey is-blue')

Acacia Feshithmihoon ('tree of thorns')

Makes-Things Movelak ('creator by hand')

Mysterious Somebody Atoqemmemma ('one is-mysterious')

Elcalion Silakshiekrahsani

Huinesoron Kolverzanisshi

Neshomeh Oakah (literally 'worth'/'mettle')

Phobos Athrokhar

Scapegrace Ifadozgaki ('little outlaw')

Wobbles Athfilkazari (I had to construct this, it literally means 'movements like a caterpillar'!)

Notary Vojassokhosoroon ('person of the law')

Cassie Vojozzirvena (literally 'person is-fiery')

SMF Zheana ('beautiful')

doctorlit Koalak Timvirofi ('Healer of great books')

Aurora Morningstar Athyolarshekhoon Shierakaenoon ('birth-of-sun star-of-the-morning')

Zingenmir Hoyalaki ('we sing')

Snowblaze Vorsahesi ('fire of the snow')

SunAndMoon Shekhmajalan

Iximaz Athastokhdeveshizar ('nonsense') or, Ishimaz for a sound-equivalent.

SomeRandomPersonAccount Vojesinasa 'person who changes'

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