Subject: Time Lords of Middle-earth
Posted on: 2019-11-26 13:23:04 UTC

Notary and Ave have already been requested, so... why not?

[Taken from the writings of Rúmil, Loremaster of Tirion]

Amongst the lesser spirits called the Maiar are those seven named by the Noldor the Tirissë Vórëa, the Enduring Vigil. Theirs is the guardianship of the very roots of Arda, that it may be maintained against the Void. Few have ever seen them, yet their names are spoken in every tongue of Valinor and Middle-earth alike.

  • First-named is the Fisher, Halatir to the Noldor; his name was adopted by the Sindar as Heledir, yet it is said among the Loremasters that among the Ainur he was called Rušurullu, the Fire on the Water. His is the watch on the Gates of Night and Morn, and the ships of light that pass through them at dawn and at eve.

  • Second the tales name Morcarnë, whose name is understood by the Noldor to mean the Red Night, but by the Sindar as Morgand, the Darkness Emboldened; and of this it is said that her true name is Mirubhôzênaškad, the Circler of Wine, and all others but imitations thereof. She stands her guard between the Vigil and the World That Is, that the servants of the Melkor might not come upon them unawares.

  • Third comes She Who Reads, Tengwaní who in Middle-earth is named Parvilui, the Book-lover. Her guard is set upon the fabric of Arda itself, and by this cause is she known to the Loremasters as Akašānithīr, the Ordained Light.

  • The fourth of the Vigil is remembered only in laments among the Free Peoples, for it is said that he was cast down in battle when the world was young. Quettacomyala he is named, and Dír-Pethoth the Gatherer of Words, but in their songs the Valar call him Delgūmākašān, the Dome of Law, and ascribe to him the wardenship of the deeps of time.

  • Ilanya the Unweaver stands apart, keeping her vigil over the tapestries of Vairë in the Halls of Mandos; Gúnethril the shades call her that venture there from the eastern lands, yet Ullunaškadigas is she to the Ainur, the Ring of Fire and Water.

  • Beside her works Tyaro, the Agent of Mandos, whose responsibility is the threads of fate as yet unspun, he who the Sindar name Ceredir; yet at the first he was called Aþâradelgûmâ, the Vault Implicit.

  • Little known among the Vigil is Tecilnarwa, the Scarlet Pen, Golldegil in the east; and yet her role is beyond compare. For it is said that on the day that she and she alone should decree it, the Vigil will stand down at last from their guard, and all the world should be cast into the Void; therefore is she named of old Ayanûzaþarošošarušur, the Coming Fire of Change.

[Here are recorded the words of Parmiel of Valmar: after the passing of the Third Age and the final retreat from the Great Lands, a new name has been heard for Tecilnarwa. None can say whence it began, but often among the libraries of Aman is whispered the name of Hyalin Tenala, the Oncoming Form.]

  • Last of the Vigil is Vílala, the Flier, who is said to have come late to Arda, and to have been named first by the Sindar as Renia. Yet the Loremasters hold that this is but a corruption of her true name, that being Ithīriniðil, the Flower of Light; and the Sindar know her only for that her domain is the people of Arda, and the good and evil they may wreak.

All translations roughly as stated; where not otherwise translated, the Sindarin is identical to the Quenya. The fact that the Sindarin for 'She flies/wanders' is Renia amused me so much I had to carry it on into the Valarin. Given my transliteration of Morgan's name earlier, I then went back and changed the Valarin names of the others to incorporate [parts of, looking at you Notary] their Gallifreyan names, where known.

As for Parmiel's note - I make no apologies and have no regrets. ^_~


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