Subject: Yikes, that's a mouthful.
Posted on: 2019-11-22 09:09:58 UTC

... which is pretty appropriate, considering. Thanks!

As for your good self:

Quenya: Ára Eärendil would be the easy translation, but who wants that guy's name in theirs? There is actually another Quenya name for Venus, which gives us Áratancol - 'Dawn of the Signifier'.

(Of course, if 'Morningstar' means 'Lucifer', you'd be Áramelkórë. But that's really not a name you'd want to say in public.)

Sindarin: A literal translation would be Minuial Aerendil, but that's way too long. I would suggest instead Gil-Vinuial, 'star of the twilight at dawn'. ('Vinuial' is the same word as 'Minuial'; it just mutates.)

Adunaic: Gimli-azûlada is not a dwarf, but is 'the Eastward Star'. Quite why Tolkien decided to use a dwarf's name for 'star' is beyond me.

Valarin: Amanaišalaþâraigas is the 'Unmarred Sun', which is a very religious concept in (some versions of) the Legendarium. As a metaphor for dawn, I think it fits.

Black Speech: Skai! Sun, stars, dawn - it's all just fire, so Ghâshulûk, 'burn them all' you shall be.


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