Subject: The Ellimist smiled.
Posted on: 2020-09-18 20:23:27 UTC

"Just 'Ellimist' is fine when you're talking to me," he said. "And yes; of course I do." He took a breath. "Okay, here we go."


Reality dissolved away, and the Something Beyond rushed in all around.

At the first glance ahead, he almost changed his mind and turned tail for the present. The two-year future wasn't better than the one-year future. It was not at all better. It was, in fact, much worse.

So many of the bright and shining life-force cords of the gods were gone, snuffed out in ways he didn't dare contemplate. How could that even happen? They were gods.

His own and Yavanna's were still whole, thank goodness, but they weren't right. And—though he felt embarrassed to want reassurance badly enough to look—Mom's was still there, too, though oddly... contained. Isolated. From him in particular. What was that about?

Noninterference, he thought. It was something Mom talked about, too, even though he could recall thinking sometimes that her whole purpose in life must be to interfere in his. Not to mention her job, and the number of times he'd seen her go out of her way to make another person's business her own outside of FicPsych. (Fine when it was over something cool, like fire-lizard eggs; not fine when it was over someone Henry didn't even know when they were just supposed to be enjoying a holiday party or having a fun day out in New Cal or something.) He understood that that was small potatoes compared to a whole canon, which was the usual context for such conversation... but by the same token, if something were wrong with him, or his brother, or anyone who was close to any of them, he wouldn't have thought any power in the multiverse would have been able to stop her doing something about it, and that was before he'd seen her cord.

Any power short of an actual Power, anyway.

And that was terrifying. As much as he had sometimes wished Mom would leave him alone and let him do what he wanted, he would never have imagined himself to be emotionally hard enough to make her.

So, he almost turned around and brought his friends straight back to when they'd started in 2020. The only reason he didn't was that he needed to see this future to fully believe it, and he hoped the inside view would help him understand what had gone wrong, too.

Reality faded back in. The Ellimist braced himself and prepared to jump away again immediately if it was too dangerous for the girls.

He looked around.

Then he said the Q-word.

I don't know the Q-word, but I figure any self-respecting PPC kid can swear fluently in at least half a dozen fictional languages, and it was such a good set-up I couldn't resist. {= )

(I'm pretty sure PPC kids should also know at least a little conversational Sindarin and/or Quenya, too, given the Elven population of HQ and its historical close involvement with the Tolkienverse.)

Welcome back!


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